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Q: How to get kids grow taller and stronger ?

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Submitted by fsdĀ on Mon, 05/15/2017 - 08:50, updated on Tue, 08/29/2017 - 20:48

I'd like know more in details about what kind of food to eat ? Or how to get them execised ? Or any other ways ?

Answers (1)

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In order to have strong, healthy kids, proper choices need to be made for them at an early age. As a parent, it is important for you to set good examples by displaying healthy ways to eat and stay active. Here are some ideas for raising happy and healthy children:

  • The right foods.
    Children will only reach their full potential physically if they are provided a balanced diet. Make sure your child is consuming the proper amounts of vitamins and nutrients appropriate for their age and try to avoid foods that are overloaded with sugar and carbs.

  • Getting enough sleep.
    The body needs rest in order to grow so it is important to ensure your child has healthy sleeping patterns by providing a calm and relaxing environment in which to sleep as well as a consistent bedtime routine and schedule.

  • Being active.
    Sedentary children are at high risk of becoming obese and developing other health issues. Keep your child moving by enrolling them in physical activities, going for family walks or having them help with chores around the house.