529 education savings plan or a 529 prepaid tuition plan: which should I invest in? |
Finance |
529 go through a broker or open a 529 account directly? |
Finance |
529 plan will impact my kid's college financial aid? Why and How? |
Finance |
529 plan? How does it work? |
Finance |
A child takes things that don't belong to him. How to change this ? |
Character, Psychology |
Any recommendation for educational mobile app for kid? |
Resources |
Any recommendations about technologies that can help support my child in self-directed learning? |
Academic, School |
Any suggested age to stop breastfeed ? |
Health, Parent |
Are there any kids writing competition sites or magazines for kids to submit writings? Any of them provide experts’ editing or review to improving their interests and skills? |
Communication, Resources |
Are Vaccines safe? What ingredients are in vaccines? What's the side effects? |
Health |
Art portfolio for college admission? How to make it? |
Extracurricular |
At what age should a kid start school? Which is better, earlier or later? |
School |
Can and how to discipline my kid's friends when their parents are not there? |
Character, Parent, Psychology |
Can Kids Drink Tea? And start at what age and proper amount? |
Health |
Can someone recommend simple fun sites teaching kid programming? |
Academic, After School Activities |
Check List: what's needed for college application |
Check List |
College application: What experience, activities and roles etc most wanted ? |
Application, Check List, Extracurricular |
Contest: what contests are good college application? |
Extracurricular |
Do you let your toddler watch TV? how about elder kids ? |
Parent, Routine Activities |
Does anyone know which is taught e.g. Algebra, Geometry, Physics, Chemistry etc in which grade in public school? How about private school? |
Academic |
Eagle Scout will help on college admission? |
Extracurricular |
Eagle Scout: how to get it? |
Extracurricular |
Essay: how and what to write for college application |
Application |
Financially prepare for my kid's college, how ? What are different sources available? |
Finance |
How and what to prepare my kids for back to school? |
Parent, School |
how can I keep my kids open up to me? |
Parent, Psychology |
How can I take a break ? Baby-sitters and what else ? |
Parent |
How do I help kids to develop independence? |
Character, Psychology |
How do I know if a child's behaviour normal for that age and if any action needed? Is there a short list of normal and bad behavior for each phase and actions for parents to take if needed ? |
Character, Psychology, Social Behavior |
How do I stop my child from giving up too easily? I am worried about raising a quitter. |
Character, Psychology |
How do you measure academic progress? |
Academic, After School Activities, School |
How does school use assessments to promote learning rather than simple measurement? |
Academic, School |
How is education changing comparing to generation(s) ago? |
School |
how to apply |
Application |
How to change a child's whining habit? |
Character, Parent, Psychology |
How to communicate and connect with teachers ? |
Parent, School |
How to control and tame kids' tantrums |
Character, Health, Parent |
How to deal with a kid who seems stubborn and strong-willed? |
Character, Psychology |
How to develop kids focus/concentrate behavior ? |
Character, Parent, Psychology |
How to differentiate kids' bullying vs teasing? How to help kids identify and handle it? |
Character, Social Behavior |
How to discipline a kid ? |
Character, Parent, Psychology |
How to get kids grow taller and stronger ? |
Health |
How to handle a young son fighting back physically? |
Character, Parent, Psychology |
How to handle being bullied in school? |
Character, Parent, Psychology |
How to handle defiant kids ? How to talk to kids answering back? |
Character, Parent, Psychology |
How to handle disagreement with in-law about how to raise the kid? |
Parent |
How to handle disagreement with my parents about how to raise the kid? |
Parent |
How to handle teenage son with aggressive behavior to other kids and some even me ? |
Character, Parent, Psychology |
How to Handle Your Child's Video Game Obsession/Addiction Positively |
Character, Psychology |
How to help a kid to overcome procrastination ("laziness" and "slowness") ? |
Character, Psychology |