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Q: How do you measure academic progress?

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Submitted by academic.matters on Sat, 08/13/2016 - 13:07, updated on Mon, 05/30/2022 - 16:21

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To measure academic progress, schools send home report cards to let you know how your child is doing. But if you want to get a good measure on it, you need to be more involved. Here’s how.

Find out what the lesson plan looks like
You don’t need full on details of every assignment, but find out what will be taught and see how your child handles this information. For example, if the subject is reading and your child is just learning to read, you can measure this success by how much her reading improves throughout the year.
Talk to the teacher
Please don’t bombard the teacher every day or be a helicopter parent, but do stay in touch. You can touch base with the teacher every month to see how your child is improving or if there are any areas where she seems to be having difficulty. Then you can focus on those areas outside of class with fun games and activities to strengthen her skills.
Find opportunities to learn and grow outside of the classroom
School is just one way to learn something new. Kids can learn all kinds of new things if we open them up to it. You can teach your child about science and nature by taking a walk, which also gives them more exercise. Expanding the mind while busying the body will help improve progress and lead to better grades in school.