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Q: How do I know if a child's behaviour normal for that age and if any action needed? Is there a short list of normal and bad behavior for each phase and actions for parents to take if needed ?

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Submitted by blue06 on Sat, 08/13/2016 - 10:28, updated on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 08:45

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Experts have determined that children reach certain developmental milestones dependent on their age – these milestones range from social development to physical development. Noticing differences between these milestones and your child’s development could be the first step in recognizing social, cognitive or physical deficits. Keep in mind, however, that each child develops individually and differences may not necessarily mean that there are medical concerns with your child. If ever you are concerned, never hesitate to seek the advice of a medical professional.

Here is a table of basic developmental milestones based on normal behaviours for each age range:

1 Month

3 Months

7 Months

15 Months

15-24 Months

2 Years

Brings hands to eyes and mouth.

Follows moving objects with eyes.


Rolls from back to front.

Sits up independently.

Says single words and uses simple phrases.


Turns head to familiar sounds or voices.

Supports head while on stomach.

Begins to support weight on legs.

Crawls and cruises (walks while holding on to something).

Pretend plays.


Focuses on objects 8-12 inches away.

Imitates simple movements and facial expressions.

Responds to name.

Uses simple gestures.

Walks independently.

Recognizes names of familiar people, objects and body parts.

Responds to loud sounds.

Smiles at sound of familiar voice.

Babbles and responds to sounds by making sounds.

Tries to imitate words.

Looks at objects when told to look.

Follows simple instructions.







Pays attention to and plays with peers.