Questions & Answers

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Questionsort descending Following Categories
How to help a young child (6 year's old) to avoid wetting the bed at night? Health, Parent, Routine Activities
how to help child with stuff nose (nasal congestion) Health
How to help kid make friends ? Character, Psychology, Social Behavior
How to help kids build confidence and never give up especially in a peer pressure environment? Character, Psychology, Social Behavior
How to help kids protect their eyesight? Health
How to help kids to be good at playing basketball? Sports
How to help kids to improve basketball shooting? Sports
How to help kids to overcome anxious and fearful? Character, Psychology
How to help kids to overcome short temper (easy to get upset or be irritated) ? Character, Psychology
How to help kids write book report? Any samples or links to samples for different grade? Communication
How to help my child to make friends? How about keep friends? Character, Psychology, Social Behavior
How to help my kid academically? Academic, After School Activities, Parent
How to help my kid to do to build a good characters? Praise or encourage or be straight? Character, Parent, Psychology
How to help sensitive children to become tougher? Character, Psychology
How to increase kids interest in speech, presentation etc ? Character, Communication
How to let my child know that NO means NO? Parent
how to persuade and win the argument with the kid ? Communication, Parent
How to promote kid' creativity and innovative thinking ? Academic, Character
How to Raise a Competent, Confident, Self-Esteem Kid ? Character, Psychology, Social Behavior
How to raise a happy child ? Character, Psychology, Social Behavior
How will you respond if or when my child struggles in class? Academic, Parent, Psychology
I'm busy parent and too busy to spend time with kid ? How to make full usage of time with kid including in the car etc ? Communication, Parent
Is deep cleaning necessary and good for teeth for parents and kids? Health
Is it a good idea to pay my kids to help at home so they learn the value of money? After School Activities, Parent, Routine Activities
Is it a good idea to pay your kids to do their chores? Parent, Routine Activities
Is it good to shower right after a workout? Health
Is it OK to let kids play with toy guns? After School Activities, Parent
Is it OK to pierce a baby's or kids' ears? Health, Others, Parent
Is it safe for a child’s immune system to have multiple shots? What about getting shots later or spreading them out? Health
kids don't want to eat meal, how to change that? How to increase their appetite? Health, Others, Routine Activities
Motivate kids in writing, how? Application, Tests
My child doesn't listen to me. How can I change it? Character, Parent, Psychology
My child is an attention-seeker. How do I change her? Character, Parent, Psychology
My child is very aggressive. How can I help? Character, Parent, Psychology
My child puts himself down and it breaks my heart. Character, Psychology
My kids can be cruel to each other. How do I stop sibling put-downs? Character, Parent, Siblings
Need a list of fun team building activities when kids gather together? Social Behavior
Piano would help my kid apply for ivy colleges ? Extracurricular
Pros and cons of co-sleeping ? And until what age ? Parent
PSAT/NMSQT for National Merit scholarship: how to prepare ? Tests
PSAT/NMSQT for National Merit scholarship: how to get into semifinialist and finialist ? Tests
SAT 2016 redesign ? Does SAT contains Subject tests and essay after that ? Tests
SAT any list of colleges requirement including all scores or one score is ok Tests
SAT vs PSAT: common and difference ? Tests
SAT, PSAT and ACT preparation schools and organizations to compare and recommend Tests
SAT, PSAT: how to calculate the score Tests
SAT: Is it OK to take tests multiple times Tests
Should big kids be allowed to ride in strollers? Routine Activities
Should I co-sleep? And until what age ? Parent, Psychology
Should I worried about my child's perfectionist? Character, Psychology
