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Q: I'm busy parent and too busy to spend time with kid ? How to make full usage of time with kid including in the car etc ?

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Submitted by Wendy on Sat, 08/13/2016 - 12:07, updated on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 23:04

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Kids need our attention, no matter how busy we are. If not, they’re likely to act out in order to get the attention they’re craving. You don’t need loads of time to make your child feel special.
Catch up in the car
Make that time traveling to and from school and activities really count. Ask them about what they learned at school, if they heard any good jokes, how lunch was, or what’s new with their friends. Make sure you actively listen too. Don’t “Mmm-hmm” through the whole conversation.
Dinner time
Dinner is a great time for busy families to catch up. Turn off the TV, put your smartphone down and just connect with each other over food. Children that have dinner as a family are less likely to turn to drugs and report feeling more fulfilled with their family life.
Have a quick date
Your children deserve your attention and they won’t care if you have hours of free time or even just 20 minutes once a week to just be with them. Take a walk or ride bikes together. Go out for an ice cream. Play a game together. It really doesn’t matter what you do as long as you do it together.
Don’t let more time pass without connecting with your child because you’re busy. We make time for what’s important in our lives and nothing should be more important than our children.