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Q: kids don't want to eat meal, how to change that? How to increase their appetite?

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Submitted by asdfas on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 14:00, updated on Tue, 08/29/2017 - 06:56

They may like snacks or fruit but not interested in formal meal food.

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Picky-eating children is very common. With my own kids, I still have problems from time to time, especially with my youngest. Here’s how I master getting her to eat her meals instead of just her snacks.

I take her to the store
My youngest is home with me all day every day so I have her with me when I go to the supermarket. There, I have her help me find things we need and put them in the cart. She loves to help so while she’s being helpful, I ask her to pick out things for dinner. I give her a choice. “Do you want carrots or corn for dinner tonight?” Then I let her put her choice in the cart. She eats it up happily because she chose it.
I give her more options
Kids just want to control something. Think about it. All day, every day, we’re telling them what to do and where to go. Their little brains are developing at this stage so they’re simply trying to exert their own authority. You can’t tell them “no” all the time anyway, so work it to your advantage. I ask my daughter if she wants barbecued chicken or chicken and potatoes. Then I go with her choice. Again, she eats it because she chose it. She feels like she’s in charge, which is the beauty of the whole thing.
Make healthy favorites
My daughter loves pizza (who doesn’t?) so I will make pizza using healthful ingredients. She has no idea I’ve blended vegetables into the sauce and eats it all right up without incident.
I offer rewards
Definitely don’t do dessert every night, but do give rewards like stickers. You can also have your child save up stickers for good behavior during the week and trade them in for a special dessert on the weekend.