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Q: Are Vaccines safe? What ingredients are in vaccines? What's the side effects?

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Submitted by safety1st on Sat, 08/13/2016 - 21:46, updated on Tue, 08/29/2017 - 20:16

Answers (1)

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There are a lot of unsubstantiated claims against the use of vaccines on children that provide no scientific efforts to support them. However, this outbreak of false information has left many parents questioning the use of vaccines on their children, putting their children (and the children they come into contact with) at risk.

Before a vaccine is approved for use, it goes through rigorous and thorough safety testing. Vaccines contain adjuvants (a substance to enhance the immune response), preservatives (to prevent infection) and other immunizing agents. For more information about what vaccines contain, I recommend visiting this site.

Some children who receive immunization may experience side effects such as redness, swelling, pain or fever but these are mild and short lived. Administration of acetaminophen or ibuprofen in recommended doses may help relieve these symptoms. If ever you have concerns, however, make sure to contact your medical practitioner.