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Q: At what age should a kid start school? Which is better, earlier or later?

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Submitted by tony on Sat, 08/13/2016 - 12:40, updated on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 07:49

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Starting school is a huge milestone for children, as well as parents. But some parents worry that sending their child to school to early is bad, while others worry that delaying sending their child could affect their chances of getting into a good college down the road. So who is right?

Honestly, it’s a grey area. Some parents must put their children into a preschool program because they work outside of the home and they can’t be there to care for their children. Preschool offers a chance to learn and have fun with other children in an environment that prepares them for full-fledged school when they’re bigger. It’s often less costly than hiring a caregiver.
Other parents though hold off until their child is considered school aged. By most standards, it is the age of 4, however in America, this entitles the child to attend VPK (Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten) and it is not mandatory. Many parents choose this because their kids only attend for 3 hours per day and it helps them transition for kindergarten the following year.
And still, other parents don’t send their children to school until they turn 5 and can go to kindergarten. What you wind up doing with your own child is strictly up to you. You can also opt to home school your child if you’re up for the challenge, but your child must be taught and be able to master a specific curriculum.