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Q: How to help a young child (6 year's old) to avoid wetting the bed at night?

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Submitted by outdoorer on Sat, 08/13/2016 - 09:12, updated on Sat, 09/02/2017 - 15:32

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According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 10% of children aged 6 wet the bed. It is typical that a child continues to wet the bed at this age and has more to do with physical issues as opposed to psychological or emotion problems.

Your child may still be wetting the bed because of a developmental delay, the result of a small bladder or your child may be a deep sleeper.

You can address your child’s bed-wetting using these 4 techniques:

  1. Limit drinks after supper and before bed.
  2. Have your child use the bathroom before they go to bed.
  3. Put a potty beside the bed to eliminate travel time to the bathroom.
  4. Offer simple reinforcement for dry nights.

If the problem of bed-wetting persists, do not hesitate to contact a doctor or medical professional.