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Q: How to help kids to overcome anxious and fearful?

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Submitted by Lucas on Sat, 08/13/2016 - 12:32, updated on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 22:41

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Anxiety can be overwhelming for children. That's why it's important to reassure them that you understand their feelings and are there for them. Here are some other things you can do to help them.

Encourage them to stand up to their fears
If you want a child that turns on her tail and runs at the first signs of anxiety, then by all means, let her ignore her fears. However, if you want her to become a well-adjusted adult that stares anxiety and fear down in the eyes, help her to face those fears head on. It will be hard at first but once she overcomes one, she will be able to conquer anything.
Center on positive
Anxious children think negative thoughts. Don’t let her get caught up in the negativity. Teach her to see the positives in every situation. In this way, she will change her mind and change her life.
Encourage her to share her fears
It’s tempting to tell your child she’s fine when she comes to you about something that scares or worries her, but don’t do that. You’ll only make her think you don’t care about how she feels. Instead, ask probing questions about why she feels that way. Then, help her identify ways to solve that problem so she can face it head on and conquer her fears.