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Q: Should I co-sleep? And until what age ?

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Submitted by happy7 on Sat, 08/13/2016 - 12:51, updated on Tue, 08/29/2017 - 07:40

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There are many benefits to co-sleeping that include, but are not limited to:

  • Comfort

  • Positive Bedtime Experiences

  • Bonding

  • Temperature Regulation

  • Breastfeeding

  • Fire Safety

  • 50% reduction of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

When most people think about co-sleeping, they imagine two parents crammed against the edge of the bed to accommodate a tiny human sleeping between them. Or a baby curled up contently on their head (this has happened to me). The reality is that co-sleeping encompasses many different sleep styles that all greatly benefit your baby.

These style include bed-sharing, sidecar arrangement with a crib attached to the mother’s side of the bed, different beds in the same room or welcoming your child into bed as needed.

As to what age you should co-sleep until, that is entirely an individualized decision. While some other parents may shun the idea of sharing a bed with a 2 year old, some families are more than happy to bed-share with toddlers. It’s universally accepted that most children will eventually desire the independence of sleeping in their own bed. Overall, how long you allow your child to co-sleep is a personal choice.