
Bricks 4 Kidz [ San Jose]

Our trained, screened Bricks 4 Kidz teachers lead a discussion related to that day’s model, using materials designed by educators to teach concepts across a variety of subject areas. Kids will learn about everything from gears, torque and friction, to robotics, space exploration, movie-making and MORE!


7250 Bark Ln
San Jose , CA 95129

Kidizens [Los Altos]

A highly creative, collaborative and engaging, project-based, learning environment with countless LEGOs, where children build, inhabit, manage and govern their own small scale cities. Kidizens LEGO camps, classes and workshops provide Bay Area children a unique opportunity to learn valuable real-life lessons about civics and economics — community building, policy-making, governance and budgeting — as well as how to successfully operate in a team environment and acquire civic leadership skills.


4546 El Camino Real
Ste B9
Los Altos , CA 94022

St Brigid Extension Program [San Francisco]

Saint Brigid School is a Kindergarten through Eighth Grade Catholic School located in the heart of San Francisco, on the corner of Franklin Street and Broadway Street.
 Established in 1888, with its strong religious and spiritual foundation, Saint Brigid School challenges students to develop their full potential, and continues to be maintained in the excellent tradition of its long history. Throughout the years, we have been served by many dedicated teachers and staff who have made outstanding contributions to our school. 


2250 Franklin St
San Francisco , CA 94109

KidzJet [San Mateo]

Institutions need a legal, safe and dependable partner who can provide quality service every single day. KidzJet is that trusted transportation provider!


951 Mariners Island Blvd, Suite 300
San Mateo , CA 94404